Our canopies are designed to get the maximum noise level reduction and a perfect engine cooling. The air-cooling flow is channeled in fixed circuits that are suitable in tropical environments. The exhaust gas silencer residential type is internally mounted.
Our canopies are made of heat treated galvanized metal sheets of 20/10 thickness.
They have wide opening doors with stainless handles to allow easy access for maintenance operation of the genset.
Our sound proof canopies can be customized to meet our customers' requirements. We use high density material for the sound proofing where our experts perform degreasing, phosphating and also powder coating painting to give these acoustic enclosures perfect finish.
Following are some of the sound proofing materials:
• Durable and fully detachable with proper cooling system
• Suitable thickness density of the rock wool to reduce the noise level
• The quilting of the fiber glass provides a suitable encasement of fibers while retaining its excellent absorbing characteristics that forms a unique noise attenuator.